\begindata{text,538323828} \textdsversion{12} \template{help} \define{global } \define{footnote attr:[Flags OverBar Int Set] attr:[FontSize PreviousFontSize Point -2]} \chapter{Creating Cross References in EZ} \leftindent{ This help file introduces you to the cross referencing feature that is available in the EZ text editor. These features are recent additions to EZ, and some of them may not work as well as you would like. If you experience any difficulty in executing the procedures discussed, please keep this in mind. This help document assumes that you are reasonably familiar with some of the basic options available in EZ, especially those dealing with \italic{\helptopic{insets} }and\italic{ \helptopic{ez-contents} }. It contains the following sections: \leftindent{What EZ Cross References D}o \leftindent{Inserting Cross Reference Tags Inserting Cross Reference}s \leftindent{Editing With Cross References and Tags}\leftindent{ Printing and Previewing With Cross References Related Tools} } \section{What EZ Cross References Do\footnote{\ \begindata{texttag,538598664} \textdsversion{12} example\ \enddata{texttag,538598664} \view{texttagv,538598664,317,0,0}}} \leftindent{ EZ cross references are primarily used in creating individual, printed documents. With them, you can reference information on specific page and section numbers of your document \italic{before} you know how the final, printed document will look. In other words, you use cross references to reference particular areas of text, and EZ figures out the section and page numbers afterwards. Here is an example of a printed document with cross references: \leftindent{\section{3 Selecting Text in the EZ Window} \leftindent{To begin inserting text in an EZ document, . . . . . .} \section{5 Formatting Text} \leftindent{In order to format text in EZ, you must first select that text in the EZ Window. To learn how to select text, refer to section 3 on page 7. }}Although EZ cross references are primarily of use for printed documents, they can also be used in creating interactive, online documents. That is, EZ's cross references can also be used to automatically scroll to different portions of an online document. Too see how this works, click the left mouse button on the following box: \footnote{\ \begindata{textref,538598408} \textdsversion{12} example\ \enddata{textref,538598408} \view{textrefv,538598408,318,0,0}}. EZ cross references cannot be used to reference information across different files. } \section{Inserting Cross Reference Tags }\leftindent{ In order to have EZ reference a particular page or section of your document, you must first insert a cross reference \italic{tag}, which indicates the general area of the text that is to be referenced. Tags will appear in your document as you edit it, but will not appear when printing or previewing. Cross referencing tags consist of two components: a position and a name. You should always position a tag as close to the area of reference as you can. You should always name a tag according to the subject that you will be cross referencing. \bold{Positioning a cross reference tag}. To position a cross reference tag, first place the text caret at the appropriate spot near the text to be referenced. Next press \bold{Esc-Tab} (press and release the \bold{Esc} key and then, press and release the \bold{Tab} key). The following prompt appears in the message line: \leftindent{Data object to insert here: } Type the following and press Enter: \leftindent{texttag} A tag inset , \footnote{\ \begindata{texttag,538599176} \textdsversion{12} \enddata{texttag,538599176} \view{texttagv,538599176,319,0,0}}, is placed at the position of the text caret. \bold{Naming a cross reference tag}. Immediately after positioning the tag inset, type the tag's name. The name is displayed to the right of the tag inset and appears in small type beneath a thin line, as in the following: \footnote{\ \begindata{texttag,538597896} \textdsversion{12} tagname\ \enddata{texttag,538597896} \view{texttagv,538597896,320,0,0}}. } \section{\section{Inserting Cross References }\leftindent{ }}\leftindent{In order to have a section or page number appear in the printed document, you must place cross reference insets in your document. As you edit your document, cross reference insets appear as small boxes containing question marks (see below). When printing or previewing, however, these boxes are replaced with corresponding page or section numbers. Like cross reference tags, cross references have both a position and a name. You should always position references at the exact place in your document that you would like the section or page number to appear. Cross reference names consist of two different components: the name of the tag that it refers to, and a special character which specifies whether a section or a page number should appear. \bold{Positioning a cross reference}. To position a cross reference, first place the text caret at the exact reference point in the text. Next press \bold{Esc-Tab} (press and release the \bold{Esc} key and then, press and release the \bold{Tab} key). The following prompt appears in the message line: \leftindent{Data object to insert here: } Type the following and press Enter: \leftindent{textref} A reference inset , \footnote{\ \begindata{textref,538597384} \textdsversion{12} \enddata{textref,538597384} \view{textrefv,538597384,321,0,0}}, is placed at the position of the text caret. \bold{Naming a cross reference}. When naming a particular cross reference, you must first decide whether a section or page number should appear in your text. In order to specify a section reference, however, you must have text in your document that has been formatted with the \bold{Section} style, and these sections must be enumerated. If you do not know how to create these kinds of sections, refer to the \italic{\helptopic{ez-contents}} help file. }\leftindent{To specify a page reference, immediately type a "#" character, then a space, and finally, the name of the cross reference tag to which you want to refer. The characters that you type are displayed to the right of the reference inset and appear in small type beneath a thin line, as in the following \footnote{\ \begindata{textref,538596872} \textdsversion{12} # tagname\ \enddata{textref,538596872} \view{textrefv,538596872,322,0,0}}. To specify a section reference, only type the name of the cross reference tag to which you want to refer. You need not include any special character, as you did when creating page references. The characters that you type are displayed to the right of the reference inset and appear in small type beneath a thin line, as in \footnote{\ \begindata{textref,538596360} \textdsversion{12} tagname\ \enddata{textref,538596360} \view{textrefv,538596360,323,0,0}}. \leftindent{EXAMPLE: For more information on cross references, please refer to section \footnote{\ \begindata{textref,538595848} \textdsversion{12} tagname\ \enddata{textref,538595848} \view{textrefv,538595848,324,0,0}} on page \footnote{\ \begindata{textref,538595336} \textdsversion{12} # tagname\ \enddata{textref,538595336} \view{textrefv,538595336,325,0,0}}.}} \section{E\leftindent{diting With Cross References and Tags} }\leftindent{ Once you have placed different cross references and cross reference tags in your document, there are a number of different ways in which you can edit them. First, you can edit the names of both tags and references. In addition, you can edit the look of tags and references as they appear when you edit the document. Finally, you can use existing tags and references to quickly move to different portions of you working document while editing. \bold{Editing the names of references and tags}. To edit the name of a reference or tag, first make sure that the inset is open (see below). Next, place the text caret into the name and edit it as you would normal text. \bold{Changing the appearance of references and tags}: When your document contains a large number of references or tags, it can become difficult to proofread the text surrounding them. To avoid this problem, you can "close" reference and tag insets, leaving only the box in their place. Closed references and tags can also be "opened" so that you can later edit their names. To close a reference or tag, click once on its box with the \italic{right} mouse button. The name disappears and the character contained in the box becomes bigger. To open a closed reference or tag, click once again on its box with the \italic{right} mouse button. The name appears to the right of the box and the character contained in the box returns to its normal size. The following are, respectively, a closed tag and a closed reference inset: \footnote{\ \begindata{texttag,538590472} \textdsversion{12} expanded tag\ \enddata{texttag,538590472} \view{texttagv,538590472,326,0,0}} \footnote{\ \begindata{textref,538590728} \textdsversion{12} expanded reference\ \enddata{textref,538590728} \view{textrefv,538590728,327,0,0}}. Try opening and closing them to see the difference. \bold{Moving to reference tag positions}. \footnote{\ \begindata{texttag,538589960} \textdsversion{12} example\ \enddata{texttag,538589960} \view{texttagv,538589960,328,0,0}}In addition to providing you with page and section references in the printed document, cross reference insets also allow you to move directly to collapsed tags while editing the document. To move directly to an existing reference tag, click the \italic{left} mouse button on the box of a corresponding cross reference inset. The text of the document scrolls to reveal the tag inset and the tag inset is highlighted. Try clicking on the following reference inset to see what happens: \footnote{\ \begindata{textref,538589448} \textdsversion{12} example\ \enddata{textref,538589448} \view{textrefv,538589448,329,0,0}}. Notice that both the reference and reference tag inset must be closed for this feature to work. }\section{Printing and Previewing With Cross References}\leftindent{ While editing a document, references and reference tags appear as simple insets. However, when your final document is printed or previewed, reference tags do not appear in the text, and cross reference insets are replaced with appropriate page and section numbers. All reference and reference tag insets are closed upon printing or previewing. \bold{Important Note:} If, in your previewed or printed output, you see a series of question marks, ???, in place of a cross reference, this means can mean one of two things: \leftindent{1) The reference name \bold{does not} correspond to an existing tag name. 2) The reference name \bold{does} correspond to an existing tag name, but it makes reference to a section number that is not present.} \bold{Previewing with cross references}. To see how the cross references will appear in the final printout, choose \bold{Preview Index} from the \italic{File} menu card. EZ opens a separate Preview window that displays a picture of the document as it will appear when printed. For more information, see the \italic{\helptopic{preview} }help document. \bold{Printing with cross references}. To print a document containing cross references, simply choose \bold{Print} from the \italic{File} menu card. }\leftindent{ } \section{Program Author} \leftindent{ Tom Neundorffer, ITC}\leftindent{ } \section{Related tools} Select (highlight) one of the italicized names and choose "Show Help on Selected Word" from the pop-up menu to see the help file for: \leftindent{\italic{\helptopic{ez} \helptopic{ez-contents} \helptopic{insets} \helptopic{preview}}} \begindata{bp,537558784} \enddata{bp,537558784} \view{bpv,537558784,331,0,0} Copyright 1992 Carnegie Mellon University and IBM. All rights reserved. \smaller{\smaller{$Disclaimer: Permission to use, copy, modify, and distribute this software and its documentation for any purpose is hereby granted without fee, provided that the above copyright notice appear in all copies and that both that copyright notice, this permission notice, and the following disclaimer appear in supporting documentation, and that the names of IBM, Carnegie Mellon University, and other copyright holders, not be used in advertising or publicity pertaining to distribution of the software without specific, written prior permission. IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, AND THE OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDERS DISCLAIM ALL WARRANTIES WITH REGARD TO THIS SOFTWARE, INCLUDING ALL IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS. IN NO EVENT SHALL IBM, CARNEGIE MELLON UNIVERSITY, OR ANY OTHER COPYRIGHT HOLDER BE LIABLE FOR ANY SPECIAL, INDIRECT OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES OR ANY DAMAGES WHATSOEVER RESULTING FROM LOSS OF USE, DATA OR PROFITS, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, NEGLIGENCE OR OTHER TORTIOUS ACTION, ARISING OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE USE OR PERFORMANCE OF THIS SOFTWARE. $ }}\enddata{text,538323828}