Compilation and installation notes for NNTP patches - 18-11-92 -------------------------------------------------------------- This document explains the install procedure for the supplied patch to the NNTP server nntpd & to the TIN newsreader to retrieve index files from the NNTP server. NNTP server ----------- 1) Copy the following files to /server cp xindex.c /server cp xmotd.c /server cp xuser.c /server 2) Copy the following files to cp server.patch cp common.patch 3) Patch the files in /common & /server cd patch < common.patch patch < server.patch 4) Copy /common/conf.h.dist to /common/conf.h cd /common cp conf.h.dist conf.h 5) Edit /common/conf.h to suit your sites needs. The XINDEX, XMOTD, XOVERVIEW & XUSER extensions are #defined by default. You may need to change the path for the #define's for XINDEX_DIR, XMOTD_FILE & SUBSCRIBTIONS_FILE. The default for XINDEX_DIR is /usr/spool/news/.index and for the others /usr/lib/news/[motd | subscriptions] cd /common [vi|emacs] conf.h 6) Recompile & install the NNTP server nntpd cd make server make install_server TIN client ---------- 1) Nothing needs to changed in the tin client as long as you originally compiled tin with -DNNTP_ABLE or -DNNTP_ONLY. You will have to remove -DDONT_HAVE_NNTP_EXTS from the CFLAGS in the Makefile and recompile if it was originally defined. 2) Recompile & install tin. cd make make install TIN daemon (on NNTP server) --------------------------- 1) Edit tin Makefile to enable index daemon functionality. cd [vi|emacs] Makefile Add -DINDEX_DAEMON to CFLAGS to create a version of tin 'tind' to create & update index files on the NNTP server. 2) Compile & install tind. cd make make install_daemon 3) Add entry to crontab to start 'tind' index daemon every so often. cd /usr/spool/cron/crontabs [vi|emacs] root Add following line to run tind every 30 minutes: 0,30 * * * * su news -c '/usr/lib/news/tind' OK. If you have gotten this far you will have the following configuration: o tind will run every 30 minutes to update a central directory (usually /usr/spool/news/.index) of tin index files for all groups in the active file. The directory can be changed by 'tind -I dir' if so desired. o The NNTP server nntpd will service all requests for tin index files from tin clients. It will do this by returning the contents of the group index file in the index directory (ie. /usr/spool/news/.index/*) o The tin client will issue requests for index files to the NNTP server therefore saving space on the client machine and ensuring that there are only one copy of index files on the whole network. Also clients will not have to wait while index files are built locally as the index daemon tind runs frequently on the news server. Enjoy & happy newsreading Iain