/* The header contains prototypes for mathematical functions * for Linux. */ #ifndef _MATH_H #define _MATH_H #include __BEGIN_DECLS extern __CONSTVALUE double acos __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double acosh __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double asin __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double asinh __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double atan __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double atan2 __P ((double __y, double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double atanh __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double ceil __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double cos __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double cosh __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double drem __P ((double __x, double __y)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double exp __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double fabs __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double floor __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double fmod __P ((double __x, double __y)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double hypot __P ((double __x, double __y)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern double frexp __P ((double __x, int *__exp)); extern __CONSTVALUE double ldexp __P ((double __x, int __exp)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double log __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double log10 __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern double modf __P ((double __x, double *__iptr)); extern __CONSTVALUE double pow __P ((double __x, double __y)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double pow2 __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double pow10 __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double sin __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double sinh __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double sqrt __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double tan __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double tanh __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double erf __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double erfc __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double j0 __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double j1 __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double jn __P ((int __n, double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double lgamma __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double y0 __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double y1 __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double yn __P ((int __n, double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; /* Some new functions */ extern __CONSTVALUE double expm1 __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double log1p __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double cbrt __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; /* Return if VALUE is finite or NaN, +1 if it is +Infinity, -1 if it is -Infinity. */ extern __CONSTVALUE int __isinf __P ((double __value)) __CONSTVALUE2; /* Return nonzero if VALUE is not a number. */ extern __CONSTVALUE int __isnan __P ((double __value)) __CONSTVALUE2; /* Return nonzero if VALUE is finite and not NaN. */ extern __CONSTVALUE int __finite __P ((double __value)) __CONSTVALUE2; #ifdef __OPTIMIZE__ #define __finite(value) (!__isinf (value) && !__isnan (value)) #endif /* Deal with an infinite or NaN result. If ERROR is ERANGE, result is +Inf; if ERROR is - ERANGE, result is -Inf; otherwise result is NaN. This will set `errno' to either ERANGE or EDOM, and may return an infinity or NaN, or may do something else. */ extern double __infnan __P ((int __error)); /* Return X with its signed changed to Y's. */ extern __CONSTVALUE double __copysign __P ((double __x, double __y)) __CONSTVALUE2; #ifdef __USE_MISC /* Return the integer nearest X in the direction of the prevailing rounding mode. */ extern __CONSTVALUE double __rint __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double rint __P ((double __x)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE int isinf __P ((double __value)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE int isnan __P ((double __value)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE int finite __P ((double __value)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double infnan __P ((int __error)) __CONSTVALUE2; extern __CONSTVALUE double copysign __P ((double __x, double __y)) __CONSTVALUE2; #ifdef __OPTIMIZE__ #define isinf(value) __isinf(value) #define isnan(value) __isnan(value) #define infnan(error) __infnan(error) #define finite(value) __finite(value) #define copysign(x, y) __copysign((x), (y)) #endif /* Optimizing. */ #endif /* Use misc. */ __END_DECLS extern int signgam; /* Get machine-dependent HUGE_VAL value (returned on overflow). */ #include /* Get machine-dependent NAN value (returned for some domain errors). */ #ifdef __USE_GNU #include #endif #include #include #ifndef HUGE #define HUGE DBL_MAX #endif #ifndef HUGE_VAL #define HUGE_VAL DBL_MAX #endif #ifndef M_E #define M_E 2.7182818284590452354 #endif #ifndef M_LOG2E #define M_LOG2E 1.4426950408889634074 #endif #ifndef M_LOG10E #define M_LOG10E 0.43429448190325182765 #endif #ifndef M_LN2 #define M_LN2 0.69314718055994530942 #endif #ifndef M_LN10 #define M_LN10 2.30258509299404568402 #endif #ifndef M_PI #define M_PI 3.14159265358979323846 #endif #ifndef M_PI_2 #define M_PI_2 1.57079632679489661923 #endif #ifndef M_1_PI #define M_1_PI 0.31830988618379067154 #endif #ifndef M_PI_4 #define M_PI_4 0.78539816339744830962 #endif #ifndef M_2_PI #define M_2_PI 0.63661977236758134308 #endif #ifndef M_2_SQRTPI #define M_2_SQRTPI 1.12837916709551257390 #endif #ifndef M_SQRT2 #define M_SQRT2 1.41421356237309504880 #endif #ifndef M_SQRT1_2 #define M_SQRT1_2 0.70710678118654752440 #endif #ifndef PI /* as in stroustrup */ #define PI M_PI #endif #ifndef PI2 #define PI2 M_PI_2 #endif #if defined(__mc68000__) # include #endif #endif /* _MATH_H */