# # Generated automatically from man.config.in by the # configure script. # # man.config # # This file is read by man to configure the mandatory manpath, to # map each path element to a manpath element and to determine where the # "man" binary lives. The format is: # # MANBIN pathname # MANDATORY_MANPATH manpath_element # MANPATH_MAP path_element manpath_element # # MANBIN is optional # # It is also read by man in order to find how to call nroff, less, etc., # and to determine the correspondence between extensions and decompressors. # #MANBIN /usr/local/bin/man # # Every automatically generated MANPATH includes these fields # MANDATORY_MANPATH /usr/man MANDATORY_MANPATH /usr/local/man MANDATORY_MANPATH /usr/X386/man # # Set up PATH to MANPATH mapping # # (these mappings are superfluous when the right hand side is # in the mandatory manpath already, but will keep man from statting # lots of other nearby files and directories) # MANPATH_MAP /bin /usr/man MANPATH_MAP /sbin /usr/man MANPATH_MAP /usr/bin /usr/man MANPATH_MAP /usr/local/bin /usr/local/man MANPATH_MAP /usr/X386/bin /usr/X386/man MANPATH_MAP /usr/bin/X11 /usr/X386/man MANPATH_MAP /usr/bin/mh /usr/man # # Useful paths # TROFF /usr/bin/groff -Tps -mandoc NROFF /usr/bin/groff -Tascii -mandoc EQN /usr/bin/geqn -Tps NEQN /usr/bin/geqn -Tascii TBL /usr/bin/gtbl COL /usr/bin/col REFER /usr/bin/grefer PIC /usr/bin/gpic VGRIND GRAP PAGER /usr/bin/less -s # # Compress cat pages # COMPRESS /bin/gzip COMPRESS_EXT .gz # # Decompress with given decompressor when input file has given extension # The command given must act as a filter. # .gz /usr/bin/zcat .z /usr/bin/zcat .Z /usr/bin/zcat .F .Y