# HOW TO EDIT THIS FILE: # The "handy ruler" below makes it easier to edit a package description. Line # up the first '|' above the ':' following the base package name, and the '|' # on the right side marks the last column you can put a character in. You must # make exactly 11 lines for the formatting to be correct. It's also # customary to leave one space after the ':'. |-----handy-ruler------------------------------------------------------| util-linux: util-linux (a huge collection of essential utilities) util-linux: util-linux: adjtimex agetty arch banner blockdev cal cfdisk chkdupexe clear clock util-linux: col colcrt colrm column ctrlaltdel cytune ddate dmesg dnsdomainname util-linux: domainname elvtune fdformat fdisk fsck.minix getopt getoptprog hexdump util-linux: hostname hwclock ipcrm ipcs isosize jaztool logger look losetup util-linux: mcookie mesg mkfs mkfs.bfs mkfs.minix mkswap more mount namei util-linux: nisdomainname pivot_root ramsize raw rdev readprofile rename renice util-linux: reset rev rootflags script setfdprm setserial setsid setterm sfdisk util-linux: sln strings swapoff swapon tunelp ul umount update vidmode wall util-linux: whereis write ypdomainname ziptool