# Apache Yetus 0.12.0 Release Notes These release notes cover new developer and user-facing incompatibilities, important issues, features, and major improvements. --- * [YETUS-915](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YETUS-915) | *Critical* | **Update GitHub vote emojis for usability by color blind folks** When configured to use emoji for plugin votes when posting feedback to GitHub, Yetus now ensures that those emojis have different shapes to designate meaning instead of just color differences. This change should allow users who have color-blindness to differentiate between meanings while scanning the result column. --- * [YETUS-919](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YETUS-919) | *Minor* | **Support extra Docker build-args** Adds a function `add_docker_build_arg` taking a key or key and value to export to the Docker build via `--build-arg` --- * [YETUS-936](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YETUS-936) | *Blocker* | **test-patch.sh does not do gradle** Gradle support has been modified to support modern gradle layouts. As such, this is an incompatible change for gradle. Bootstrapping gradle is no longer supported; gradlew is expected to be there. Patches that wish to upgrade gradle are now expected to just be a patch against the gradle components in the repo. * checkstyle should now work * $HOME/.gradle is no longer imported into docker containers to prevent cache corruption * a new _postcleanup has been added. In the case of gradle, this now shuts down the gradle daemon * two new core routines have been added (escape_html/unescape_html) to cover some basic HTML entity resolution. These are not exhaustive but cover the most common ones seen. * GRADLE_ARGS is now GRADLEW_ARGS to match the functionality change. --- * [YETUS-943](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YETUS-943) | *Minor* | **Test patch fails to extract version information from a JDK11 jvm** This patch alters `report_jvm_version` to extract JVM vendor and version information from Java system properties. It now returns a string that is the concatenation of verdor and runtime versions. --- * [YETUS-955](https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/YETUS-955) | *Major* | **Update many of the binaries in Dockerfile** Many of the versions of tools in the bundled Dockerfile have been upgraded. Note that the configuration for those binaries may or may not be backward compatible. Also, the default the 'pylint' binary in the bundled Dockerfile has been switched to pylint3 to reflect that cpython version 2 is no longer supported upstream. Setting `--pylint=pylint2` on the test-patch command line will use the older version of pylint, similar to previous releases.